

Drawing with letters
(Mode: dg.txtrgb)

  • A picture and a text are used as input
  • The picture is transformed and gets drawn on / by the text
  • Sample below shows "Gretchenfrage"

Drawing with audio
(Mode: dg.pcmrgb)

  • An audio-file and a picture are taken as input
  • The picture is transformed and gets drawn on / by the audio data
  • Sample below shows "0,000016" in the series "kosmos"; visual music

Drawing with audio
(Mode: dg.vidpcmrgb)

  • An audio-file and a video are taken as input
  • The Video is transformed frame-by-frame and gets drawn on / by the audio data; synced with the audio data, so that the audio data is visible as it gets played; visual music
  • Sample below shows "Ludwig auf Daten" in the series "auf daten"


Many Datagrafies are aggregated in series, as they deal with similar contents or are similarily structured in a technical way - in a broad sense


Thank you for support, tolerating and in case of software for the work - probably incomplete and non-exhaustive - to: