Many Datagrafies are aggregated in series, as they deal with similar contents or are similarily structured in a technical way - in a broad sense
- biblioism for example is about the transformation of books and texts.
The Datagrafy Gottes Buch und des Digitalen Beitrag
(which roughly translates to: God's book and Digital's contribution) is based on Luther Bible (Revision from 1912)
and a numerical series consisting of hits of every book in the bible in a not so well known search engine (Mode: datengraphie.txtrgb)
- graphlaut deals with the transformation of data into "music" (graphlaut is by the way the reason for having "drawing material"
in quotes - sounds get "drawn").
The Datagraphy Diffus shows kind of a special effect.
Here music is created from a picture (Mode: datengraphie.rgbpcm). In the next step that music is taken as input to the creation of a picture from music (Mode: datengraphie.pcmrgb). With well chosen parameters
the picture created in the second step shows a form of the initial picture - the visual got encoded in music; visual music. Some people may recognize Mr. Franz Kafka.
- lautgraph as a last example is about creating pictures from music / audio.
The Datagraphy Entzug der Sinne (which roghly translates to: Deprivation of senses) simply shows the transformation
of one piece of music - nothing else - green on black, music.